Website Legal Requirements
The Companies (Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2008
See also
Registered name to appear in communications
6.—(2) Every company shall disclose its registered name on its websites.
Further particulars to appear in business letters, order forms and websites
(1) Every company shall disclose the particulars set out in paragraph (2) on
(a)its business letters;
(b)its order forms; and
(c)its websites.
(2) The particulars are—
(a)the part of the United Kingdom in which the company is registered;
(b)the company’s registered number;
(c)the address of the company’s registered office;
(d)in the case of a limited company exempt from the obligation to use the word “limited” as part of its registered name under section 30 of the Companies Act 1985(3) or article 40 of the Companies (Northern) Ireland Order 1986(4), the fact that it is a limited company;
(e)in the case of a community interest company which is not a public company, the fact that it is a limited company; and
(f)in the case of an investment company within the meaning of section 833 of the Act, the fact that it is such a company.
(3) If, in the case of a company having a share capital, there is a disclosure as to the amount of share capital on—
(a)its business letters;
(b)its order forms; or
(c)its websites,
that disclosure must be to paid up share capital.
Explanatory Notes
Regulation 7 sets out the particulars, in addition to the registered name, which should appear on a company’s business letters, order forms and websites. The reference to registration in a particular part of the United Kingdom is to registration by the Registrar of Companies for that part of the United Kingdom (section 1060 of the Act).
Regulation 7 implements Article 4 (apart from references to a company being wound up) of Directive 2003/58/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 15th July 2003, amending Council Directive 68/151/EEC, as regards disclosure requirements in respect of certain types of companies (O.J. L221, 4.9.2003, p.13). These requirements in Article 4 were previously implemented by regulation 6 and the Schedules to the Companies (Registrar, Languages and Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2006 (S.I. 2006/3429) which amended provisions of the Companies Act 1985 (c.6) (“the 1985 Act”) and the Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (S.I. 1986/1032 (N.I. 6.)) (“the 1986 Order”). Those provisions of the 1985 Act and 1986 Order are repealed on 1st October 2008
Look forward to a whole new set of legislation if and when Brexit occurs
The privacy requirements and cookie requirements that relate to a website is already covered in posts “checking your cookies and gdpr compliance” and “gdpr compliance“.
Certain text is reproduced here from the website, July 2019, licensed under the Open Government Licence